Category : APA Citation | Sub Category : APA Electronic Sources Posted on 2023-07-07 21:24:53
Mastering APA Style: Navigating Electronic Sources
It is important for students and researchers to understand how to properly cite electronic sources in their academic writing with the increasing availability of information on the internet. The APA has developed guidelines for citing digital resources, which ensure the accuracy and credibility of your research. In this post, we will look at the key aspects of citing electronic sources.
1 Understanding the basics is important.
The primary goal when citing electronic sources is to provide enough information to locate the original source. The author's name, publication year, title, and stable URL are some of the basic elements of an APA citation.
2 Website and Webpage titles.
The author or organization responsible, publication/last updated date, title of the website, and complete URL are included when referencing an entire website. The title and URL of a specific page should be included with the same information.
3 Online articles and journals.
The author's name, publication year, article title, journal title, volume number, issue number, and page range are included. You can use the URL if the DOI is not available.
4 There are E-books and E-book chapters.
The author's name, publication year, title of the book, edition, and the format of the book are all included. The same information is provided for a specific chapter in an e-book, but also include the title and page range.
5 Social media and online forums.
Social media posts and online forum discussions are considered personal communications and are cited within the text but not included in the reference list. The author's name, specific date of the post, and a description of the content are required.
6 Citing online images and videos.
If you're using images or videos obtained from the internet, you should give a citation with the creator's name and the publication date. The creator's name, publication date, title, and format are included in the reference list. If the image or video is part of a larger work, the title should be included as well.
It is important to know how to cite electronic sources in APA format. By following the guidelines and examples provided in this post, you can ensure the integrity and consistency of your citations. Use online citation generators if you're unsure about the process. Accurately citing electronic sources enhances the credibility of your work and fosters ethical and responsible scholarship.